Subject: Is this dude a complete failure?

If you failed at your job over 9000 times what would happen?

You would get the boot and kicked to the curb real quick...

Time to start looking for for a new job

Nobody wants a chronic failure like that on the team. They would drag everyone down into their pit of dismal no hope despair

Well, that's what you'd think right?

I thought the same thing at one point until I read this quote...


"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And THAT IS WHY I SUCCEED."


Any guesses who said that?

Well it was my favourite basketball player of all time

Michael Jordan who is arguably one of the greatest athletes to ever walk the earth

He attributes all his success to the failures he has had.

Do you ever embrace failure? Then why not?

Or are you so shyt scared to fail that you never take the shot?

I will leave you to ponder that for yourself

But remember this, if you're not failing at something then you clearly aren't trying hard enough...

So try harder my friend and start taking some shots

Yes you'll miss at times but there are going to be a few game-winners in there too and I will be shooting right by your side

Ready to take a shot?

Then come on a journey with me by clicking here to get your online bizness kick-started correctly.

