Subject: Is there a formula for success?

Is there a formula for success?

Or is it just something people say so you buy their shit?

The funny thing is I believe there is a formula...


I like to study what successful people do. Not what they say.

And one of my subscribers has boiled down the formula for success into a simple equation...

He replied to one of my emails with...

"Yo, bro! This is honestly a timely message! Just thinking about the goals that I didn't achieve last year, planning how can I achieve them this year and all that came to mind is Be Disciplined x Be Consistent (BDxBC) side note think it will be a movement I'll try to create!"

Be Disciplined x Be Consistent...

BD x BC = Success

We all know what to do in every aspect of our lives to get the results we want.

But we make excuses.

If you want to get in good shape you know you need to eat right and work out.

But people fail because they lack discipline and are not consistent.

EVERY successful person I know is very disciplined and always consistent in the pursuit of their goals.

This email is a friendly kick up the ass!

Make a promise. That you'll get serious about your discipline and consistency.

It'll be an ongoing battle but so worth it.

I'll be right there with you.

Talking about being there with you...

If you want a plan you can follow, the tools you need and the hard part done for you...

To kick-start your online business the RIGHT WAY.

Then check out the video on this page.

I'll be right there with you every step of the way.

Just drop me a message if you get stuck.

Rebel against mediocrity,

Jouvan BDxBC Johnson

PS - Here is that link one more time.
