Subject: Is it even worth it?

Is it even worth it?

I love to preach entrepreneurship to anyone who'll listen.

It's the best path to freedom.

And freedom is my major motivating factor.

No boss telling me what to do, when to do it and for how long, so they can pay me just enough not to quit.

I want to be free to decide my wage.

If I work my ass off this year there's no ceiling to my earning potential.

I could quadruple my pay if I've earned it.

At a job, that's not possible.

You'll be lucky to get a 10% pay increase. No matter how hard you work.

That all being said...

Entrepreneurship can be lonely. Only other entrepreneurs really understand your struggles.

That paycheck is not guaranteed.

You can't slack off all day chatting shyte with your co-workers.

Your tax obligations are on you (and your accountant).

At a job, it's sorted for you.

However, as a business owner, you do get some good tax advantages.

I say all this to tell you to go in with your eyes wide open.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

The freedom, the control and the challenge of it make me better every day.

But on those hard days, a steady paycheck is enticing lol.

Then I think of having to ask someone else for permission to go on holiday.

That thought alone instantly reminds me that entrepreneurship is for ME!

I rebel against conformity. You should do the same.

If you're anything like me you can relate. 

CLICK HERE for the best way to get started today.

I'll help you every step of the way, just give me a shout.

