Subject: Imagine you got fired today. What would you do?

No seriously, think about it.

What if your company lost a huge supplier or contract and people had to be let go?

What happens if you're one of the unfortunate few?

Or, Karen from accounts has a vendetta against you and frames you for a corporate crime you didn't commit, and you're sacked on the spot?

Or, here's a crazy idea...

What if something like a global pandemic happens and the government forces your employer to close its doors and now it can't afford to keep you hired or the whole business goes under?

What would you do?

How long would you last?

I was always a bit paranoid about things like this!

I knew that if the company founder had to choose between saving his business or saving me. It was always going to be the business (and rightly so).

My co-workers never really understood why I felt like this.

Ultimately I just knew I didn't want to be vulnerable to one point of failure or reliant on one source of income.

And when that bytch Rona reared her devastating virus-filled head, that was the major kick up the arse I needed to get my shyt together.

After a few false starts, I finally cracked the code and within 90 days I had more than replaced my corporate wage.

I explain exactly how I did it and how you can too, here!

I'm continually working on increasing our income and sources of revenue.

I want so many streams flowing to us that no matter what happens in the world my family is stable and will be financially sound.

I'm not 100% where I want to be yet (I have huge goals), but being on this journey is fun and rewarding in itself and I WILL get there for sure.

I outline how I plan to accomplish my goal in the link below.

Click here to come on the journey with me.

Secure yourself, your family, and your finances.

Stay rebellious,

