Subject: I'm going to become an influencer... Here's how

Before I go into the how, let me tell you the why.

I've been very hypocritical.

My fiance, (side note: that seems so douchey to write but she's more than my girlfriend but not yet my wife. Anyway I digress).

As I was saying,

The lady I get to naked wrestle is the beautiful face of our niche educational brand named Clawgasmic.

She hated the idea of getting her face out there but I argued that it will be good for the type of business we run.

People connect with people easier than they do a faceless, soul-less brand.

I'd say to her...

"The more people we get to know, like and trust you. The more opportunities would come our way and it would increase the longevity of our business"

Turns out I was right.

*Insert smug grin*

She now loves it, is amazing at it and rides harder for our audience than a Cartel member protecting its leader.

But I gave it all the biggun pushing her outside of her comfort zone but where have I been?

I have sneakily shimmied my way behind the scenes where there is no potential for judgement.

I have retreated to a comfortable distance from the limelight. Just once in a while popping out for an award ceremony, podcast appearance or industry dinner.

But things need to change.

I tell people all the time to step out of their dream-killing comfort zones. It's now my turn to do the same.

I have a lot to give and offer, if I didn't you wouldn't be reading this email.

So this is my public pledge.

Watch this space because I will be sharing with you what I do so you can replicate it in your business.

Time to go help, inspire and motivate as many people as possible in the public domain.

That's a simple way to get the influencer journey started.

Focus on what I can give, not what I can get.

Stay rebellious,


PS - If you want to learn how I plan to earn while building my audience. I break it down step by step in full detail HERE <==
