Subject: If it burns it's true

I read a quote this morning.

Notice how you feel when you read it.

"Think of all of the amazing things you could have accomplished by now if you weren’t brutally lazy."

What is going on in your mind as you read that?

Are you justifying how you're not lazy? How if you didn't have so many things to do each day you'd be in a different position? Justifying how this quote doesn't apply to you?

Then how come you're not where you want to be?

You may not be lazy in the traditional sense but have you been lazy in identifying a new way of doing things?

Have you been too lazy to act on the opportunities you come across each day?

eh hem ==>

Have you been lazy in practicing financial discipline?

Have you been lazy in your eating and exercise habits?

Have you been lazy in your personal development?

Have you been lazy in your reading habit?

We're all lazy in one area or another. It's your duty to work on it and grow to maximise your potential.

If you believe you're not lazy in any way then you're arrogant and lazy in humility.

We ALL have area's were we can get better.

Don't fall in the trap of excuse making.

Fall in the trap of goal setting, habit forming and lifestyle designing.

==> This is your starting point <==

Don't be arrogant.

Hows you're current way of doing things panning out for you?

It's time to try something new.

Be rebellious,

