Subject: I was pissed off and frustrated

"I ain't got time for this shit"

That was my first thought when I woke up with flu-like symptoms.

I was pissed and frustrated. Not only was I feeling groggy. But I'd also set up a new Google ads campaign for our niche business that wasn't getting the results I wanted.

I know these things take time.

You have to invest money to get the data then you have to tweak things until you get it right.

I understand that intellectually but emotionally...

I wanted money to rain down on me in the form of profits.

I wanted to feel like a stripper. Shaking my azz with the utmost enthusiasm. As a jewellery-emblazoned rapper dumps thousands of dollar dollar bills at me in the club.

But that was not the case.

The reality was very different. I paid for data that I must analyze and then make a decision on what my next move needs to be.

So as you can tell I was sulking a little around the house.

When I told my fiance what was up with my long face. She sent me this lovely message when I was back in the office...


"Remember boo...💙👑

Rome wasn't built in the day... we are still in the first week of ads... you're learning and doing all you can. I'm proud of you 🥲🏆

It'll take time - if it was that easy everyone would be making 20k monthly after one week ... you got this 💪🏽💙

Keep the energy within yourself you wish to attract ✨️ positive vibes produce positive vibes ✨️🧲

Like Earl nightingale says... don't worry too much about the end result, have faith and just know that you're working as hard as you can on your goal every day... which you are 😚🫂

B r e a t h e 🌬

It's going to be OK

Xxxxxxxxxxx love you"


She's right and there are a lot of positive lessons in there if you're open to receiving them.

Talking positive lesson.

The lesson you get in my Replace Your Wage Bootcamp can transform your current situation.

In less than 90 days from now.

CLICK HERE to get the details.

If you have any questions just hit reply and I'll get back to you.

Stay rebellious,

Jouvan "feeling much better" Johnson
