Subject: I was crying on the floor

"I was crying on the floor"

That was the subject line of my special ladies' email today to our niche site list.

I wanted to share an exert from it with you because I think you will get a lot out of it.


I just wanted to hop into your inbox to share some realness with you...

Today is our little boys' second day of preschool

So to all the parents reading this, I hope you've had a good first week of term so far and I hope your little people are loving it so far.

It's tough, isn't it!?

You may have felt all the emotions

I totally did

Monday I was a mess lol, a totally different version of Chantelle that is writing this email to you now.

Full of worry and negative "what if's?" Literally crying on the floor 😅🙃

Today I am back to my normal self, feeling calm, feeling happy that he is settling in

(even though we have had a few tears this morning bless him, but I know he is going to be just fine)

Why am I telling you this? you are here for business content and nail chat, right? lol

Well I say this because I want to remind you that even in a moment of sadness, worry, stress or uncertainty

Please just remember those feeling aren't forever.

You never know what 48 hours difference can do

If you never felt the lows, would you ever truly appreciate the highs?

I'm not sure we would 🤷‍♀️

So in business, if this week is a tougher one, it's ok. I'm sending you a hug. Breathe it out. You got this. Tomorrow is a new day


Everything can change in 48 hours.

And your whole life can change in just a few months of focused effort.

Fortunately for us, we've built a freedom business that allows us the luxury to drop everything and go grab our son if he needs us without affecting our business at all.

I am very grateful for that fact.

I'm designing and continue to design and build a life I don't need a holiday from.

I show you exactly how we built it in just 3 months and how you can do the same in my 90-day coaching Bootcamp here.

It may take you a little longer but the plan is the same.

I was just highly motivated to leave my 9 - 5. I actually handed in my notice before we could afford to live off the earnings from the business.

I truly burnt the boats as they say.

Anyway, you can CLICK HERE to check it out.

Stay rebellious,


PS - If you have any questions just hit reply and I will get back to you.
