Subject: I stole this... But you'll be glad I did

Full discloser...

What you're about to read I stole from a post my friend did on Facebook.

And pre-warning he has a filthy mouth.

If you can get past the bad language you'll find some value in his wise words.

Here goes.


Sometimes when I see the comments on social media, I wonder what the f**k this world is coming to…

This week alone I saw about 3 guys commenting on a David Goggins video saying he wasn’t that tough because he was only deployed twice or something. I bet all 3 fools would shit a brick in front of Goggins.

In another video of some guy going from being fat to muscular, the usual clowns had to chime in with, “He skipped leg day.” I bet these fucks skipped whole body day for years.

In another post where a girl was bounce juggling 8 balls, a few heroes commented, “What does this achieve?” - A pertinent question they should be asking their moms for birthing their degenerate asses.

10 minutes ago, I saw a video where a guy made a huge sketch of Lady Gaga using hundreds of little black dice with white spots. And one twat commented, “Looks good but I don’t think he has much going on for him in life.”

No matter what you do or how good you are, people always have shit to say… but these days, the haters are outnumbering the fans.

It’s almost as if the biggest f**k alls in society who will never amount to anything have become the judges of World’s Got Talent... and they all congregate in the comments.

So don’t let these clowns get you down. Do your thing without fear.

F**k ‘em.


Beautifully put mate.

Now go have a dope ass day.

Stay rebellious,


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