Subject: I stole this...

I plagiarised/stole about 68% of the email you're about to read.

I'll explain why, in the PS section.

The email subject line was: Make your future self proud!


One thing..

Just one thing...

What one thing can you do today that your future self will thank you for?

Maybe you could make sure you post today on social media

Maybe you need to buy some traffic to your business

Maybe you're so tired that you can treat yourself to an early night in bed to recoup.

Maybe you could call that friend and have a good laugh to lift your spirits.

Maybe you can seriously look into that course you want to take?

Everything starts with one step, little progress every single day, and even if some of those things aren't 'work related'

They kind of are...

The better you feel in yourself the more motivated you'll feel. Call that person you love, eat that yummy lunch, treat yourself to things that make you feel happy, and make plans each day to push your business forward. I know you can do it!

If you want to get serious about your internet biz then you know what you need to do with the link below

Make today a great day

Stay rebellious.


PS - I stole and tweaked this email from my fiance, it was what she sent out to our niche membership sit list.

I read it, liked it, and thought I would share it with you. After all I was the one who taught her how to do email marketing effectively to drives sales.

If you want to learn too CLICK HERE for details.
