Subject: I stole this...

What you're about to read I stole from LinkedIn.

It's a great business strategy you can start right now with zero investment.

Here goes...


Everyone on LinkedIn is talking about side hustles, but nobody is actually telling you how to start.

So, here are 10 steps to a side hustle while employed full-time:

1. Pick a topic you could talk about for 30 minutes unprepared.

2. Create daily content on LinkedIn sharing your knowledge.

3. When people ask questions, DM & schedule calls.

4. Listen for common challenges during your calls.

5. Create a short video product to address those.

6. Send it to the folks you helped on those calls.

7. Ask for testimonials in exchange for it.

8 Add the testimonials to your website.

9. Charge $50 for your new course.

10. Start charging $250 for calls.

Now you have two revenue streams:

1. A simple coaching call ($250)

2. A simple digital video product ($50)

- Make the product your low-end item.

- Make the coaching call your high-end item.

- Use email automation to collect more testimonials.

If people can't spend $250, direct them to the product.

At the end of the product video, share a link to schedule calls.

And around the cycle goes.

If you sell one of each, each weekday, you'd make an extra $78,000 this year.

Sell 2 of each? get it.


Simply, straightforward and very achievable.

If you want some help with the technicalities grab my 90-day coaching BootCamp where you get direct support from me.

All details ARE HERE.

If you have any questions just ask and I'll get back to you.

Be rebellious,

