Subject: I stole from my wife 🫣

Do you ever feel like an imposter?

Well, I have at times. So has my wife.

Today she wrote a great email to about it and I STOLE it.

Read it below 👇🏾


Imposter syndrome...

do you feel like you've felt this feeling before?

Trusty google says...

Imposter syndrome is when you doubt your own skills and successes. You feel you're not as talented or worthy as others believe, and you're scared that one day, people will realize that.

So... I have been thinking quite a lot about this lately and also doing my own bit of research into it and wanted to share some thoughts...

Firstly I am not a HUGE fan of 'labels' so you will rarely hear me say I have x,y,z... because I believe as soon as we truly start to say this to people it kind of makes it more 'real' or more of a 'thing'

For me Imposter syndrome is defo a feeling I have felt before... and I find it a really interesting thought.

That our mind and the way we see things can have a directly positive effect or an instantly negative one...

one thought can lead you down one path or another

So let's just try and give ol' Imposter Syndrome a little mindset shift shall we...

What if imposter syndrome is here to make you realise you are pushing yourself into new spaces or areas, new territory, which can be daunting but is actually vital if you want to grow as a human

What if we just take a step back and logically look at the situation and what we CAN control... soo

1 -Are you qualified in that area?

2 -Do you know what you are doing?

3 -Have you done this thing before?

4 -Is it something you are passionate about?

5 -Do we have to spend time wondering what people think of us?

So let's break it down. If the answer to 1, 2 and 3 are yes, happy days. If they are a no, you have the power to change that, you can qualify and with practice, you will 100% know what you are doing

I am going to take a guess that the answer to question 4 is a yes otherwise it wouldn't be on your radar of things you want to do... (I truly believe your dreams and goals were given to you for a reason, no one can do 'that thing' quite like you can so run with it, my friend!)

and the answer to number 5... is a NO!

What others think of us is none of our business! and you know what, most people aren't even watching you as they are too busy thinking about things they need/want to be doing.

If they are watching and judging... give them something to see. Give it your all!



It's Jouvan again.

I loved it when she read it to me this morning so I thought I'd share it with you.

All the best,


PS - If you're still not getting the results you want online THIS WILL HELP.
