Subject: I don't know what I'm doing

I'll be honest with you...

I have no idea what I'm going to write in this email. What you're reading is my current constant stream of thought.

This is a technique I use when I have nothing in mind to write. I use it to get the ideas flowing.

I just sit down and write out my thoughts its...


Chantelle (my fiancé) just barged in and interrupted my train of thought.

What was her reason?

To tell me about a meme regarding straws.

Thanks for that babe lol.

Anyway, I'd normally delete my stream of consciousness because an idea for the email would come to me but today I want to make this the email.


Because there's a lesson in here.

A lesson on getting started.

Just get moving and you'll figure it out along the way. Stop procrastinating and waiting for the perfect moment, the perfect offer, the perfect scenario, the perfect idea.

It will not come.

Just get going, get started and begin moving towards your goals.

You've just witnessed the ramblings of a rebel.

I hope it was useful.

Something I know will be super useful is my new Replace Your Wage 90-Day Coaching Bootcamp.

All details can be found at the link below.

Stay Rebellious,


PS - Happy New Year!
