Subject: I don't feel motivated today

You're not always going to feel motivated to do the work.

Actually most of the time you're not going to want to do anything at all. As humans, it's in our nature to take the path of least resistance.

I would much rather lay on the sofa watching a movie and have a takeaway. Instead of busting my butt in the gym and eating healthy.

But we must realise that the things we really want from life come from the more difficult path.

If you only rely on motivation to do difficult things, then you are almost guaranteed to fail.

Motivation is fleeting.

It's discipline that gets you through.

You don't go to your job every day because you're motivated. It's because you know if you don't you will not make a living and won't be able to pay your bills.

So you lean on your discipline to get you out of bed and get to work.

I'm reminded of a quote that I repeat to myself when I don't want to do something that I know I should.

"Do what is easy and life will be hard, do what is hard and life will be easy"

I wish I remembered where I heard it because it has served me well.

Anytime you are about to take the path of least resistance. Remind yourself of that quote.

Stay rebellious. Do the work.


PS - Here's some work that may change your life
