Subject: Hurry up! Do it while he's still asleep

AHHH Shit.

Mission failed.

I aimed to get this email written and sent to you before my son woke up.

But as soon as I wrote the subject line I heard his cute little footsteps running towards the office door.

I looked down the hallway and as soon as we locked eyes he shone me a huge sleepy grin. Then burst into a sprint with arms open towards me.

I smiled and got down to his level ready to embrace him.


Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his mum was also in the office. So he pivoted on a dime with the grace of an Olympic ice skater and ran into her arms instead.

The brutality of a 4-year-old is unmatched lol.

I did get my morning cuddle in the end.

I love the life that having an internet business has allowed me to have.

If I worked for someone else and had to commute to an office I would've already left by the time he woke up.

I wouldn't have seen that beautiful sleepy morning smile he gave me.

I wouldn't have witnessed his Olympic-level twirl to embrace his mum.

I would've missed out on so much.

Thankfully I chose to do what it took to make my dream life a reality.

You can do the same.

Start here.

Go through this course my mentor and I put together for you.

Use code: FREEREBEL at checkout to get it FREE!

If you have any questions give me a shout.

All the best,


PS - Here is the link one more time...

