Subject: How'd you feel if I gave you a million dollars?

Imagine for a moment...

Imagine I asked for your bank details and transferred you $1,000,000.

How'd you feel?

I bet no one could ruin your day.

Now imagine I said I will give you 10 times that. $10,000,000 direct into your bank account but there's a catch.

The catch is you don't wake up tomorrow.

You die the very next day.

Would you accept the 10 mill?

I bet you wouldn't.

So doesn't that mean you waking up today is worth way more than 1, 10, or even 100 million?

But yet we take waking up for granted.

You basically won the lottery today because you're breathing.

a lot of people didn't get so lucky.

Be thankful and act like the winner you are.

Think differently. Be rebellious,


If you're ready to do something different with your life then THIS MAY HELP.

Any questions give me a shout.
