Subject: How would you act in this scenario?

Imagine for a moment that you had a full film crew following you around 24 hours a day.

They're making a documentary about your life and the pursuit of your goals.

Actually, imagine it and analyze your behaviour.

How do you live?

Are you living in a way that, when your kids, your friends and your family watch this documentary, they'll be proud of you?

If not, why not?

Luckily for you, you can start changing the narrative of this documentary starting today.

Live your life like you're the hero in your movie.

Write down what you want from your life and go get it done.

Yes, it may be hard, but what good movie or documentary have you seen where the star or hero didn't have to overcome challenges?

Or do you want to just plod along never doing what you say you will?

Never really giving it your all because you're worried about what your Facebook "friend" Sally (that you don't really like) will think.

Don't allow your life to be a crap documentary.

Make it EPIC!

Go after what you really want and give the film crew something worthy to document.

I first heard this thought process from Joe Rogan.

You know the man that licenced his podcast he was doing just for fun, to Spotify for $200 Million.

Yeah, that guy.

He might know a thing or two about the right mindset for success.

You can watch the short 3-minute clip at the link below.

The language can be colourful in parts so don't listen loud at work or around kids.

However, the message is gold and definitely worth your time.

Stay rebellious,

