Subject: How to get the "Friday feeling" everyday

Firstly, ask yourself why do you get the "Friday feeling"?

Is it because Friday is so much better than Wednesday or hump day as some people call it?


Those are just made-up words first given to us by the Babylonians.

It's because after you finish work on Friday, you get two days off from doing a job you secretly hate.

You get two days to do what you enjoy.

You may even go get drunk AF or high as a kite to escape your reality for a while.

You then ram as much fun as you can possibly squeeze into the two days, then on Sunday night, you start to feel the "Monday blues" creep in.

You then have to slog through another week of unhappiness until you get to Friday again.

Sounds like a pretty depressing existence to me.

So what can you do about it?

Well, you actually have a few options...

  1. Let your employer know you're unhappy in your current position and you'd like to know if there are any opportunities available within the company that better fit your ambitions.

  2. Quit and find a better more fulfilling job elsewhere

  3. Start a business so you can make the rules

  4. Create a freedom-style internet business around a subject you love (like I did) so you can earn more and work less.

  5. Commit a crime and go to prison so you live rent-free and get free meals every day.

You have to find the path that works best for you.

However, If you want some help with option 4 CLICK HERE, watch the video, and follow the steps.

Stay rebellious,

