Subject: How to fire your boss

It's pretty simple.

You just need to go through a few steps...

  1. Write down your current gross monthly income from your day job.

  2. Add a 30% buffer to that number.

  3. Divide that number by 30 to get your daily income target.

Come on actually do it so you have the number for your unique situation.

The reason I say to add a 30% buffer is so that you're covered for any unforeseen circumstances.

It just gives you that extra bit of security.

Now that you have your daily income target, all you need to do is work backwards.

Let's say for example your daily target is 180 bux. (Which is very achievable).

You would only need to make 6 sales a day of an offer that pays out 30 bux.

This is very achievable when you have in place a lead attraction system, capture system, and conversion process that I show you how to set up here.

Alternatively, you could find or create an offer that pays 30 bux a month recurring and you only have to make 2 sales a day for 90 days and you will be free to fire your boss.

This is the route I would take because it gives you more stability and your income will grow every single month.

If you want me to help you fire your boss then CLICK HERE right now for all the details.

I look forward to working with you.

If you have any questions, just give me a shout by hitting reply.

Stay Rebellious,

