Subject: How a fake model is making 10K per month

I came across this model with almost 300,000 followers on Instagram.

The cool thing is, she doesn't exist.

Yet she makes about $10,000 per month.

Her name's Aitana Lopez.

She's a 25-year-old AI model from Barcelona.

She works full-time as an influencer and gets hundreds of comments and interactions.

Even though her bio makes it very clear she's not real.

But not everyone seems to notice...

She's had A-list celebs slide in her DM's.

Probably because they want to slide into her Giga-BITS and stroke her pixels.

Aitana is a gamer and fitness lover who's always in shape and never has a sick day.

She even has a Fan Vue (a bit like OnlyFans).

Check it out if Artificial intelligence raises your RAM.

The company behind this project is a Barcelona-based model agency named The Clueless.

The founder said he was sick of dealing with models and their demands.

The real-life models wouldn't turn up to shoots, or cancel last minute and he'd had enough.

So he used AI to create his own.

What do you think?

Does this jeopardise the jobs of real models?

Would you use an AI model for your business?

Reply and let me know.

If you want to see what Aitana looks like just CLICK HERE.

I may create my own AI model and put her to work.

All the best,


PS - If you're still not getting the results you want online, take this challenge.
