Subject: Hold up. Wait a minute..

Just stop for a moment.

Take a deep breath in...






And Breath out...


Feels good huh?

It's a fresh week. Don't go into it dreading that "it's another Monday", you only get a limited amount of these.

You never know when your last one will be.

Today's a fresh start.

The perfect opportunity to go in with enthusiasm, energy and a high vibe.


Because who wants to go around feeling glum?

Take a moment to imagine what your perfect Monday would look like.

Actually, do it...

Feel how happy you are, really feel it.

That reality is available to you.

But you have to do more than just "want it". You don't get what you want. You get what you deserve.

So do the necessary work.

You deserve to live life on your terms.

This is how I live life on mine.

You can do the same.

Be fearless, be relentless, be rebellious.

Jouvan "about to smash this Monday" Johnson
