Subject: He's rytch as fhook

Let's just take a moment to appreciate how cool the subject line of this email is.

It has enough curiosity elements to convince you to open and read it.

There are also intentional misspellings to not trigger the email filters but still, the message is completely legable.

I just wanted to take a moment to pat myself on the back.


But onto the real reason for this email.

I've recently been emailing a guy with an estimated net worth of between 30 - 100 mill.

He is part of the hyper-wealthy elite and is only in his 30's. He recently bought a 1 of 60 Bugatti Chiron Pur Sport (which is a car if you didn't know).

I'm not much of a car guy but that specific one goes for 4.6 Milly.


Just for one car, most people don't make that much in a lifetime.

And this guy is dropping that on an adult toy. The reason I'm sharing all this with you is to show you what is possible.

There are people living outside the matrix making unimaginable amounts of freedom tokens.

This particular individual says working a job is slavery!

I don't know if I fully agree with that but he clearly knows something we don't. He grew up broke on the streets of Luton UK and now can buy Bugatti's for fun.

I'm connecting with people like this to learn what they know, study their thinking, watch their actions so I can get to their levels of success.

Thankfully I've gotten to a place where I'm free and don't have to clock in for a boss (my only boss now is my 2-year-old son).

So I can get out and network with these high-net-worth individuals when the opportunity arises.

If you want to take the first step to get free, then watch the video below and act now.

CLICK HERE and watch this entire video.

See you there,

