Subject: He's a scammy c*nt who doesn't give a flying sh*t

So I'm on someone (who I won't name)'s email list.

I wanted to unsubscribe but there was no link for me to do so.

Usually, it's always at the bottom of every email, just like it is in mine. But for some reason this guy's link was missing.

I didn't know if this was on purpose or not and I was pretty sure that not having it is actually illegal

So because I had the person on my friends list on Facebook, I tagged him in a post simply asking how come there was no unsubscribe link in his emails.

And boy oh boy did I unintentionally unearth a holy crap ton tin of worms :-o

Many successful internet business owners chimed in ripping this guy a new one.

Here's an example of some. (I may have to redact some parts, you'll see why):

"he's a scammy c*nt who doesn't give a flying sh*t about any laws he breaks with his bullshit... if you are lucky you'll get some bullshit about mistakes and that hes a good guy really ... nope he's just a Grade A crook and so is his side kick ****"

Here's another:

"scammy? More like outright f*ckwitted crook. Fraudster. Piece of sh**. Etc."


"Love it! Expose these f*cktards"

Boy oh boy I didn't expect that!

I wasn't trying to expose anyone but it turns out he has been doing it a long time and it is in fact against the law.

There were a lot of people who were not happy with his actions and definitely let him know.

He did respond to the post too, making some lame excuse that I didn't buy because he's a 7 figure internet earner and knows exactly what he is doing.

He then went ahead and blocked me. Even though I responded letting him know that I will give him as much information as I could get just in case someone was using his name.

But by him instantly blocking me shows me all I needed to know.


Criminality does not pay in the long run and who wants the stress of being so hated.


If you want to build a legitimate business that can replace your day job working just a couple of hours a day, then head over to the link below and I'll see you there

Stay rebellious (but don't be a crook),



ChanVan Publishing LTD, Office 16, Devonshire House, Aviary Court, Wade Road, RG24 8PE, Basingstoke, United Kingdom
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.