Subject: Here's a tough question

Ponder this...

“What thoughts, behaviours, and actions will you change in 2023 to get different results from 2022?”

If you continue doing the same things, you’re going to get the same results.

"OK Captain obvious"

Yeah, as obvious as that sounds, it’s still super easy to get stuck in a rut. Are you still operating at the level of enthusiasm that you started the year with?

Or has the reality of the same day to day ho-hum of life lulled you back into the same patterns of 2022?

Maybe it hasn't happened to you yet but by mid-February, I'm sure there is going to be a lot more room in the gym.

Don't become another casualty of mediocrity.

Don't fall back into autopilot. Stay firmly in the driving seat.

Blink twice and before you know it it's 2024. Just look how fast 2022 came and went.

Answer the question.

“What thoughts, behaviours, and actions will you change in 2023 to get different results from 2022?”

Notice that the question starts with "thoughts".

That's the beginning of everything.

Change your thinking and change your life.

Stay rebellious. Fight against mediocrity.


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