Subject: Have you been making this goal setting mistake?

If you're anything like me you always have a goal you're moving towards.

If not then you should.

You should at least know the direction you're going.

If you haven't got a target then your goal is mediocrity and you'll definitely achieve that.

I, on the other hand, don't want that.

But the problem is...

There are so many different goal-setting philosophies out there. Some even contradict each other.

My thing is. If you've got a philosophy that works for you and you consistently smash your goals then continue as you are.

But if you feel like something's missing and you often fall short then this may help.


I usually have a BHAG.

A Big Hairy Audacious Goal.

Something that scares me a little. Something that makes me not want to say it out in public because I may get ridiculed by small thinkers. Something I'm super excited about that motivates me to jump out of bed in the morning.

However, this BHAG could take a lifetime to achieve.

And consistently seeing you're not achieving your goal can be de-motivating.

So I've started to look at my BHAG as a grand voyage. An amazing destination.

But on my journey, I need to stop off at multiple ports. Each port is a mini goal on my way to the ultimate destination.

BHAG Island.

But with each port I arrive at I gain experience. I get the feeling of accomplishment from reaching the port and I can even upgrade my ship if needs be.

If I just jump into my little dingy and try to go straight to BHAG Island I may end up shipwrecked with no supplies.

The smartest thing to do is to stop at the ports on the way.

You have to go past them anyway. May as well stop off and celebrate the small win.

Here's a practical example.

Say you want to make $1-Million a month from your internet business.

(That's a nice juicy BHAG to get your mouth watering).

Instead of only focusing on that.

Why not aim for the port that is an extra $100 a month first?

If you're starting from scratch.

You have to pass through 100 to 1,000,000 anyway.

And when you arrive celebrate the achievement then plan your course to port $500 p/m

Using the experience you gained from getting to the initial port.

You know your ultimate goal is BHAG island but focus on the individual ports on your way there.

To take it a step further.

Once you've decided on the next port.

Identify the 3 tasks you need to do each day to give you the best chance of arriving at that port. Then only focus on the tasks (things you can control) you need to do DAILY until you arrive.

I was thinking about this on my way back from the gym this morning so thought I'd share it with you.

All the best,


PS - Have you seen how Johnathon makes up to $500,000 per month online?

I wonder what his BHAG is.

Anyway, I'm adding Johnathon's strategy to my tool belt.

An extra 5k per month copying it would be great.

If you want to see how you can copy his online strategy and get him to do most of the work.

==> CLICK HERE <==

Any questions just give me a shout.
