Subject: Feeling the Monday Blues?

It feels like the weekend is too short, huh?

You know deep down you're not happy with being woken up by your alarm to go do a job that doesn't excite you.

But you have bills to pay, right?

You spend the most productive hours of your day slaving away doing tasks that someone else told you you must do.

D'you, remember when you were a carefree child?

You couldn't wait to be an adult.

So you could "do whatever you liked, whenever you liked".

Things didn't exactly go to plan.

Now you do what your boss tells you you're allowed to do when you are allowed to do it.

Is that how you want to live your existence until you retire?

Asking for permission before you can take a holiday?

Running it by someone else before you can have a last-minute day off because a family member died.

Being told off for being late because of traffic.

Begging for a pay rise even though you've been working your ass off day and night.

Having to work with people you would never normally socialize with.

Being looked down upon because someone has a higher slave-check pay-check and fancy job title

Being told where you must be, when you must be there and for how long, for 5 days a week and at least 8 hours a day.

Now don't get me wrong, I worked for a great company with amazing founders but the above is just the nature of the beast and I wanted freedom.

Freedom to do what I want, when I want, with who I want, and give myself a pay rise whenever I wanted it.

All I needed to do was challenge myself to make a change.

And today, if you want more for your life, I want to challenge you.

Challenge you to start a profitable internet business as I did.

It's simpler than you might think. You can get set up this week!

Now you won't be able to quit your job this week but you could be set up and well on your way to being free (if that's what you want).

Just click here to take the challenge and get on the path to living the life you aspired to live when you were a carefree kid.

Not an overworked, underpaid adult.

Any questions just reply,

Stay rebellious,

