Subject: D'you always feel like you haven't got enough time?

Recently I've felt like I haven't got enough time to do everything I want to do in a day.

There always seem to be more tasks than the day will allow.

Not one to just give up. I had to look inward and see where I can improve.

How have I been wasting my time?

There's always areas we can improve.

If like me you feel like you could do with an extra few hours in a day then...

Here’s what you need to do…

Check your screen time.

Quickly go into your settings and check your average screen time on a day-to-day basis.

It's probably a lot higher than you thought right?

That doesn't even include TV time.

The Global average screen time is 6 hours and 58 minutes.

If you took just 3 hours of that and directed it to achieving a goal. Imagine where you would be 6 months from now.

I have a friend who earns 6 figures a year working just 3 hours a day.

He share's exactly how he does it for FREE HERE!

I'm not saying quit social media or stop watching TV.

I'm just highlighting that there is so much more you can accomplish if you take notice of what you are currently doing with your time.

What are you waiting for?

Cut your screen time by half and get to work.

If you feel like you haven't got time to work on your online business. Maybe you have been wasting that time elsewhere and you need to take a little accountability.

I know I have.

Here's that link again to Tony's free training on how he makes 6 figures a year working just 3 hours a day:

Stay rebellious,

I'll see you next time.

