Subject: Douchebag Sally and lil dick Dave don't get it

Don't let the imaginary pressure crush you.

(I'll get to Sally and Dave in a moment but first)...

Do you ever get that feeling when you want everything to be perfect before you make a move forward?

Do you put so much pressure on getting it "right" that you're crushed by the pressure?

You're crippled into inaction and never act.

You turn what could've been enjoyable. Into a stomach-turning, vomit-inducing cycle of worry.

And you know what?

You did it to your damn self.

My friend is building a business around the concept of how your brain is an asshole.

Your brain is an amazing device. But the things it does to "protect" you are so outdated.

The reason you hesitate to step out of the box and act on something new is because your brain is trying to protect you.

In ancient times if you did something strange or different you may get kicked out of the tribe.

If you got kicked out that meant a certain death sentence. No food, no shelter, and no mate equal an inevitable painful lonely death.

Your brain thinks if you post a Youtube video about your business you'll get booted from the tribe and attacked by a wild beast.

Nope, not in the cushty life we live. The worst that may happen is douchebag Sally from fifth grade may see and find what you're doing "weird".

Sally is an asshole and you don't like her anyway. Delete and block that bytch.

You're not in grade school, high school or college anymore.

Grow up. Rebel against the bullshit programming of your brain.

Fight against the inevitable mediocrity you'll endure if you don't take charge. Take control of your mind and move forward without fear.

Start here by watching this video.

I've always had a vision for my life that most people won't understand.

I'm going to create it anyway.

I don't care if lil dick Dave from school scoffs at what I post on Facebook he doesn't see where I'm going.

Come join me on the journey by CLICKING HERE.

See you there.

Be rebellious,
