Subject: Don't call me

I felt like such a dick.

The other day someone requested to have a call with me.

I totally understand why, they're interested in creating a lifestyle business like the one I run and teach in my 90 day bootcamp.

So they probably had some further questions and things they wanted to clarify before joining.

Which is very understandable.


I hate doing calls.

So I said no. Which felt like such a dickish move but I designed my business so I don't have to do calls.

It eats into my freedom. I need to make sure I'm available, I don't know how long the call will be, I don't know what questions will be asked etc

I much prefer an email where they can lay out every question and concern so I can respond thoughtfully and thoroughly. When I want to on my terms.

I created this business to design a life of ultimate freedom and having a rule not to do calls is part of that.

You may love calls so you can design a business that books and takes calls all day long if you want to.

But for me that sounds like hell.

The great thing about designing a life you love and getting paid to live it is you decide the rules.

So that is just one of my rules.

If you want my help on how to design your business so you have the freedom to live on your terms then check out the video in the link below.

Stay rebellious,

