Subject: Don't Let This Chain Choke You

Have you ever been strangled by a chain?

Imagine this scenario

You're standing right in front of a massive red button that if you press it you could have any wish you want.

Whether it's a million bucks, the perfect body, a mansion out in the Hollywood hills, whatever you want. All you need to do is take a few steps forward to press the button and your dreams would become a reality.

The problem's that you have a cast iron chain wrapped around your neck. It's also attached to something behind you that is not letting you step forward to get to the button.

There are other people in this room all in the same predicament.

Each day you notice a small number of people's chains get a little longer as a link is magically added. They can then step closer to the button.

But others get pulled back away from the button as a chain-link magically disappears.

Every day a small group of people get to the button press it and get their wishes. At the same time, most people get pulled further away.

For every 1 person that makes it to the button, 20 get pulled back.

What's the secret that this small group knows to make their chain longer?

It's pretty simple actually so let me explain...

This alternative world scenario I cooked up in my mind and farted out in this email is how I've started to look at life.

The 1 out of 20 that make it to the button is the 5% that understands how to manipulate the chain in their favour

The Beyonce's, the Grant Cardone's, the Gary Vaynerchuk's, The Jay Z's, and so on.

These are the 5% of people that live an extraordinary life and make their dreams and goals come true.

And the chain that either gets longer to take you to the button or pulls you away represents each day of your life.

The same 24 hours we all have

Every day you wake up you either create a link in your chain that brings you towards your goals or you act in a way that takes you a step away.

There's no staying still, you're either moving closer or further away.

So over to you.

You need to figure out what you want from life. What do you want to happen when you press that red button.

Then make sure you're in the 5% that creates a new link every day that takes you towards your vision for the future.

Do things that take you closer, hit the gym, work on your craft, build your business each day.

With that all being said...

Enough mindset stuff. If you want to get down to business, check out the PS below.

Also if you have any Q's hit reply and I'll do my best to help.

Stay Rebellious,


PS - If you're still not getting the results you want from your online business, then this FREE online business summit could help.

Click here to check it out now.
