Subject: Do you suffer with this problem?

This ailment is really hindering your chances of success.

in simple terms...

You're too damn slow.

The direct response marketing legend Dan Kennedy once said,

"Money loves speed"

And it's true.

Anytime I act fast, execute quickly and go balls to the wall towards my goals, magic happens.

It feels like mountains move and the universe conspires in my favour.

Other times when I procrastinate, overthink and overanalyze when I should be taking massive action. Nothing good happens.

It feels like I'm trudging through waist-high thick mud.

I bet you believe all your BS excuses as to why you can't do that thing you have been putting off for weeks.

The truth is...

You're scared. You're a coward.

You said at the start of 2023 you're going to start that business. We are around the corner of 2024 and what have you done?

Get real with yourself.

Do what you say you're going to do and don't take 3 weeks to do what can be done in an afternoon.

Your mind is amazing at making ingenious excuses. They are going to feel so real and justified.

Don't be fooled.

It's just fear.

Don't let it beat you.

Train yourself to control your mind don't let your mind control you like a meat puppet.

I believe in you,


PS - I you're not yet getting the results you want online and don't know where to begin. THIS TRAINING will have you up and running within 72 hours.

Challenge yourself to get set up in one afternoon.

Money loves speed, remember.

See you tomorrow.
