Subject: Do you have fuckarounditis?

What the hell is fuckarounditis and how do you know if you have it?

Here's the scientific definition:

"Fuckarounditis is a behavioural disorder characterized by a complete lack of real-world progress, despite significant amounts of time invested.

Fuckarounditis most commonly manifests itself as an intense preoccupation with designing logos, printing business cards, and dreaming up infrastructure that scales.

Fear of launching and marketing is another distinguishing trait."

Do you ever find yourself spending weeks designing the logo, putting together a business plan, buying the business cards, finding the right website designer, and registering all the social media handles?

You feel so busy and working really "hard" on your new business.

Chances are you're suffering from fuckarounditis.

You're playing business by distracting yourself with unimportant stuff.

Instead, get out there. Try to sell something. Talk to potential customers. Identify their pain points. See what problems you can help them overcome.

80% of your time should be focused on getting customers. Not playing around with a pretty little logo for 3 months.

It matters way less than you might think.

Just Google how many times Instagram or Apple has changed their logo.

Your potential customer cares more about what problem you are solving for them than how pretty your logo is.

As you like "playing" business. I share a foolproof game that you can play daily to make sure you're actually moving your business forward.

You only need 10 points a day to win and some tasks earn you 5 points.

I share the full game plan in Module 4 "Gamify Your success" in my Replace your Wage 90-Day BootCamp.

You can get all the details by CLICKING HERE to see what's inside.

Any questions just hit reply.

Stay rebellious,

