Subject: Do you feel that friction?

Do you feel that?

Every time you go to do a certain task there's an overwhelming sense of friction.

I just felt it when I was about to do something on my to-do list.

I take notice of how different tasks affect my energy.

And the task I was about to do was draining it and was about as fun as dragging my nutsack over shards of broken glass.

Not that I've done that before, but I can imagine it's not very pleasant.

When I feel that soul draining energy or friction there's one of two things happening.

Either you don't have a proven process to follow like a template for a task to make things run smoothly.

Or that task is just not suited to your temperament.

Maybe both.

For me. I just found the task dog shit boring.

And because I dread doing it I won't do it to the best of my ability on a long-term basis.

My energy will be best poured into something that sets my soul on fire and can lead me to the same desired outcome.

For example, you may dread getting on video so you are best creating written content.

Or you hate video, no good at writing but you love to talk so your zone of genius may be in Podcasting.

You will only find your "thing" when you try enough stuff.

So go out there and chuck shit at the wall and take note of your energy,

Do more of what lights you up and less of what drains you.

Take note that when you are doing something for the first time there will always be friction to start.

So you have to stick with it for an extended period of time to get a true representation of your energy levels.

All the best,


PS - If you're still not getting the results you desire online then stop dilly-dallying and check out the link below:

Any questions?

Give your boy a shout.
