Subject: Do not delete - You need to respond.

I just got sent an email with that subject line.

The rebel in me wanted to delete it without even opening it, but it was from the Government.

So I opened it, it was something to do with the electoral register that I need to update.

I'm not sure if it's against the law to ignore it but what I took from it was...

"What a great subject line"

It almost forced me to open it and see what it was about.

That is what you should be aiming for with all your emails.

Put yourself in the mind of your audience, what would get them to open the email?

That is the one job of the subject line. Then the email needs to deliver on the subject so it is not clickbait and is actually worth reading.

Then your email should seamlessly transition to an offer your reader can buy that would further improve their life in some way.

Just like I'm about to do.

Here's an example...

If you want to learn how to turn simple emails like this one into a profitable side business that could replace your wage then head over to the link below for more details.

I will help you every step of the way.

Stay rebellious,

