Subject: Did you know you have 2 lives?


It'd be great if we had 8 lives like a cat but we don't we have only 2.

Probably one more than you thought though.

Here's how it breaks down.

Most of us have two lives: the life we live and the life we're capable of living.

It's the latter life that we all deeply desire.

It's the life we know exists somewhere deep inside us that we wish we could pull out and actualize.

This isn't the life that is driven by the version of you who settles or gives in to procrastination and doubt.

But instead is driven by the best you. The confident you. The healthy you.

The you who shows up at your best, making things happen, making a difference, and living the life you know you're capable of.

You started the year with all the motivation and want to be the best version of yourself.

Keep it going, don't let the cold slap of reality and being back at work dull your sparkle or drive.

You hold all the power to live the life you want. Don't let circumstances and challenges knock you off course.

That being said.

Speaking of courses here's one that can help you kick-start your journey to the version of you that can live life on your terms.

A version of you who is free.

CLICK HERE for all the details.

See you there,


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