Subject: Debbie wants a clone of me 😏

We recently launched our Podcast for the niche site I run with Chan' (pronounced Shan not like Jackie Chan. Her actual name is Chantelle, she's the lady in my life).

I feature in a few episodes and here is what one of our listeners Debbie had to say to her in the comments section of Instagram.

"I finally listened to all 3 anyone else need to know how we can get a clone of your fiancé? {3 laughing emoji's} so much support and positivity and you sound so happy to work together... Life goals {hear eyes}"

Oh Deb's you sweetheart, you're going to make a black man blush ;)

I'm sure Debbie will want to do more with a clone of me than just have me be positive and support her,lol.

But all jokes aside. I truly feel like I'm living the dream.

That's thanks to the internet, it gives us the ability to design our dream life then take the steps to make it a reality.

If you're curious and want to check out our Podcast to see what we're up to.

You can follow the link below to listen to the first episode that I feature in.

Anyway that's all for now.

Stay Rebellious,

