Subject: ‘Daddy, will you play football with me?’

I came across this post on LinkedIn this morning.

(Yes I've started to test a traffic strategy on it, I'll share the results soon).

But in the meantime, I thought you'd enjoy the post and the message hidden within...


Son: ‘Daddy, will you play football with me?’

Dad: ’No son, I’ve got to go to work this morning’




Dad thinks: ‘WTF AM I DOING?’

Dad: ‘YES, YES, Yes I will son’

Dad: ’Absolutely’

Son: ‘Yeyyyyyyyyy’

For anyone who needs to hear this. Don’t let your business take over to the point you miss the most important things. It’s easy to get blinded and forget why we are here.

I’m now 15 minutes behind on my day, who cares, not me! Happy boy, happy Daddy.


Don't get so focused on the goal that you forget why you started in the first place.

That's all for now.

If you're still not getting the results you want online, this training will help.

Stay rebellious,

