Subject: Crazy Susie slid into my DM's

The interwebs is a strange place full of strange people.

I bought a solo ad at the weekend. It was only a small one but I was happy with the results.

It resulted in 4 instant sales to my Replace Your Wage Coaching Bootcamp.

But it also brought with it, crazy Susie from Illinois.

What I thought was a positive email about the importance of having a specific goal, anti-goals and a proven plan to achieve said goals. Really rubbed lovely Susie the wrong way.

She replied with a difficult-to-read tirade about how I was making her mad.

I was confused, but as I'm also a bit of a troll I decided to have fun with her.

The more sarcastically nice I was to her the more she wanted to blow a fuse.

Here are some of her responses to my trolling.

"you know what you just need to stay the f#$@ out f my business and live the way you want . stay off my line ass!!!"

To remind you, she decided to join my list, and then respond to my email broadcast.

The above was in response to my telling her to have a great week.

She really didn't like when I told her I loved her. Here's what she said.

"make sure I never run into you I will hurt you bad! I grow my nails just for people like you"

I know I was purposely winding her up but wowzers. She was about to turn into Wolverine on me.

She did start it after all.

Susie wasn't a happy bunny.

It turns out she was so furious with me because of my subject line that day.

It was, "Where the F are you going?"

She didn't like the use of "F".

I didn't even write the word it was her own mind that said it, not me. And as you can see from one of her messages above she also used "f#$@"

I guess she is allowed to but I'm not.

Anyway, I had fun with her.

She missed the whole point of a positive actionable email because her limited mind couldn't look past a letter of the alphabet.

But, I don't give a F what sensitive Susie thinks.

This is my business, my rules.

If she wants her business and her rules she should just grab my Replace Your Wage training before I take it off the market.

Which is a real possibility soon.

Stay rebellious,


PS - Have an effing great day ;)
