Subject: Covid ruined Christmas

I'm so sick of "the vid"...

We had a big family Christmas planned at my brother's new apartment. Then a few days before the big day, he tested positive.

This was the second time he got it and luckily his body knew how to handle it so he was nowhere near as ill.

But Christmas was now off.

He contracted it from his manager at work. (Sounds like a good reason to read my free mini pdf and finally get free from the slave wage lifestyle)

Anyway, there was a last-minute scramble to figure out a backup plan. We decided to push back our big family Christmas until January 1st, 2022.

We still had a great time on Christmas day, it was intimate and lovely. On the actual day, it was my fiancé, her brother, our 2-year-old son, and me.

There was a lot of laughs and fun.

So I may be exaggerating when I said Covid ruined Christmas, in fact, I now get double the Christmas celebrations. That's not good for my waistline though.

How was your Christmas?

I hope it went ahead without a hick-up.

Now if you're anything like me, you're gearing up to make 2022 your best year yet.

I suggest you download AND READ a copy of my mini pdf on How To Earn More By Working Less With a Simple Job Replacing Profit Model by clicking here.

As always, any questions just hit reply.

Stay Rebellious,

