Subject: Could you do this job for a million per month?

This Nick dude makes a million per month in a way you'd never believe.

Here's the story...

Nick-Anthony Zamucen was only 22 when he found out a man from his church had killed himself.

The man's widow didn't show up at church that day.


So Nick rushed to her house to see if there was anything he could do to help her out.

When he got there, he realised something awful.

Her husband had shot himself in the bathroom.

But that wasn’t the worst part.

After the coroner took the body, he told the wife she had to clean up the mess herself.

What a heartless prick.

Nick offered to help, and after six hours of scrubbing brains and blood from the walls and floor, the job was done.

But later that night, Nick got to thinking.

Who cleans up the thousands of deaths and crime scenes each day?

Turns out there wasn't a single company dedicated to the job.

It was at that moment that Bio-One was started.

It's now America's number one crime scene cleaner and makes over $12 million per year.

Nick is a wild boy.

I don't know if I could clean guts, blood and dead body shit all day.

Could you do it?

Nick is proof that there's a ton of opportunity in industries that nobody wants to touch.

If you enjoyed this story and love all things entrepreneurship, marketing and making money?

You'll love this even more.

Don't settle for mediocrity.

