Subject: Closed mouths don't get fed

I first heard that phrase in the Kanye documentary.

We all know him as the uber-confident genius, but people didn't always see him that way.

And I would argue that sometimes he was just as scared as the rest of us when having to speak up in an awkward situation. The difference? He did it anyway.

He was courageous.

"Oh, hey Jamie Foxx thank you for inviting me to your party"

"Oh, you have a studio at your house? Cool! Can I lay a track?"

"Oh, as you're here why not jump on and lay some vocals?"

"No no no, not like that. Like this"

The result?

Slow Jamz:

"Closed mouths don't get fed and lazy hands don't count bread"

Kanye defo used his mouth (even when it was wired shut after his car crash) and he was not lazy. So he's definitely counting hella bread {money} now.

Where are you not speaking up in your life?

What opportunities could you be missing out on because you're keeping your mouth shut?

I'll leave you with a line from Oprah...

"You get in life what you have the COURAGE to ask for"

Stay rebellious,


PS - If you're not getting the results you want from your online business maybe it's because you're lacking courage or knowledge in a certain area.

Let me help you identify it and overcome it. CLICK HERE for all the details on how.
