Subject: Can I be open and honest with you?

I was going to have a different subject line for this email but I noticed I was projecting.

The subject line was going to read...

"You're moving too slow"

I'm confident you are. But I was primarily talking to myself.

For far too long, I've had the same three tasks on my weekly objective list.

I don't know why I keep procrastinating on them.

Every day my to-do list is full and I plow through them but the major weekly objectives keep getting missed.

I feel like this email is more for me than you.

You're just a fly on the wall to my personal therapy session with myself.

The brutal truth is. I'm moving too slowly and I need to get my shit together and get them done then move on.

Don't try to over analyse if it's some deeper seeded issue about fear, doubt or any of that bollocks. Everyone is too soft these days.

Just get the thing done Jouvan and move on.

I may be writing to myself but you could benefit too.

This is your sign to notice an area where you've been slacking and I'm urging you to get up and do what you know you're supposed to.

Free yourself of the burden of that lingering task.

That's all for today.

Thank you for being a part of my morning therapy session.

Stay rebellious,


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A crap one!

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If you have any questions just holla.
