Subject: Are you taking life too serious?

It's not like you're going to survive anyway.

“Most people tiptoe their way through life, hoping they make it safely to death.” - Earl Nightingale

It's ironic, isn't it?

However, I'm not talking about doing death-defying stunts or risking your life unnecessarily.

Instead, I'm saying treat life like a game.

I've never played the game Sims but from my understanding, you do certain things to build up your character and create them into whoever you want them to be.

Like eating healthily, getting enough sleep, working out etc.

I've just decided to do that in real life. (or IRL as the kids say).

I decide on a new attribute I want and then I do the tasks each day to acquire that skill or attribute.

So for instance I want to improve my mobility so I did a test to show where I'm currently at. Then I decided to do yoga each day and I will re-test in a few months to see my progress.

At that point, I should have unlocked mobility level 2 (that sounds like a game-like phrase huh?) and will reward myself with something fun.

Because if it was in a computer game I would have received some sort of bonus to help me progress further on my quest or journey.

I have a long list of attributes and skills I'll be unlocking and I'm having a lot of fun while doing it.

Things that will improve my business, my relationships, my health (both mental and physical) and any other area that takes my fancy.

Try it.

Turn your life into a game. Unlock amazing rewards, and go on the most epic quest. HAVE FUN!

Stop taking like so serious.

You're not going to make it out alive anyway.

Stay rebellious,

Jouvan "The Rebel Sim King" Johnson

PS - If in your personal game of life you want to start and grow a simple solopreneur freedom business, then I can be your guide and help you unlock the needed skills.

Just CLICK HERE to start your journey.
