Subject: Are you having fun?

This is a re-share but it's a great reminder.

I ask you.

Are you having fun?

It's a simple question.

I'm not just talking about right now, I'm talking about your life in general.

Would you say you live a fun life?

Or do you just exist? Working to pay bills every day until you die.

Sprinkling in a few drunken weekends and holidays to escape from the mundanity of your life?

I designed a life for my family and me so my every day could be what I wanted it to be, but in that pursuit, I suddenly stopped having fun.

I got so focused on the goals, what we'll do next, and the next target that I forgot about the fun.

The fun and willingness to try new things got us this far, but as things started to grow, I let that fun slip away.

But after sitting down with a friend and talking business ideas and future plans, I was getting really excited about the things she could do and I was saying things like...

"Just get started, don't overthink it, get the ball rolling you'll be able to pivot, just HAVE FUN"

It was at that moment I realised I was no longer doing that. I was over analysing every step.

I stopped experimenting and having fun. I was scared to make a mistake.

I forgot that I designed my whole life so I could enjoy EVERY DAY, not just the weekends.

But somehow I allowed myself to forget that.

So this mini-rant is your reminder to just go for it. Have fun in the process. Your results will probably be better that way.

I know mine usually are.

What would you do if you knew you COULDN'T fail?

Go out there and do that.

Stay rebellious,


PS - If you're still not getting the results you want online, then the link below is what you need to check out.
