Subject: Are you a dead fish?

Each morning I write out my thoughts.

Here's todays...

"Life will throw you challenges and beat you down if you don’t wrestle it into submission.

You need to impose your will on it with a long-term focus in mind but be present at the same time."

Too many times we just go with the flow.

The only things that go with the flow are dead fish and lambs to the slaughter.

Be intentional about your time. Know where you're headed. Live a life of purpose.

How many years are you just going to sit there and not do anything?

Ask yourself if you're really giving it your all.

Are you proud of the effort you put into achieving the life you really want?

I know you want more but do you deserve it?

Not because you're a good person but because you've earned it.

Have you really given life your all?

Only you know the answer to that.

Be real with yourself.

Make the change today.

Be rebellious,


PS - If you want to start an online business that you can run in 3 hours a day and replace your current wage then...


Any questions, just hit reply.
