Subject: 8 ways to get your content read

Look at that straight benefit subject line

No games, no stories just right to the meat. That's a lesson in itself.

Anyway, here are 8 simple ways to get people to actually read the content you put out there

1. Make it snappy - Don't waffle on, cut off the fat and just deliver the meat

2. Utilise line breaks - don't just have huge daunting paragraphs break that bad boy up into manageable chunks

3. Break sections up with compelling headlines - Most people are skimmers, make the sub-headlines great so it pulls skimmers into readers

4. Create Bulleted lists:

  • You can't stop yourself from reading this can you

  • It's just forcing you to read on

  • It's easily scannable

  • And it looks different to the rest of the content

5. Highlight strategically - Don't just bold things for the sake of it use it strategically to draw your reader's eye

6. Use the power of numbers - Look at what you're reading now this is a numbered list and look at you, you can't stop reading ;)

7. Check your formatting - If a reader just skims through your content only looking at the highlighted and emphasized parts will they still get the gist of the article?

That's the aim because that will pull scanners into being readers.

8. Don't stress yourself - Have fun and write like you talk

If you want to know how to turn the content you create into Kyash Munney then the link below is where you need to be

