Subject: 350 bucks a month from ruining scary films?

I came across a website that is earning on average 350 bucks per month. From highlighting jump scares in movies and TV shows.

I didn't know what a jump scare was until I read more.

When I figured it out, the reality of what it is was crazy to me.

People are actually searching online for where the parts in a film or TV show are that will make you jump.

Is it me or isn't the point, not to know when the scary bit is?

Anyway, where there are people with a problem, as entrepreneurs it's our job to come up with a solution. And profit in the process.

Contributors sign up to the site for free. They then write articles with timestamps of where the jump scares happen in movies and TV shows.

The site owner doesn't even have to write the content, the contributors do it. The site owner then approves the article.

This is a 5 min job and as a result, Google spews its SEO juice all over the site.

The site is currently only monetised by showing ads.

If I was the owner of this site here are some of the things I would do to increase the monthly revenue...

Firstly they are already collecting email addresses so I would double down on that and grow the list.

If you sign up to this site as a contributor or a fan wanting to know new horror movie releases. It's fair to say that you're a horror film fanatic.

I'd do daily emails all about horror.

Content including but not limited to:
  • Reviews
  • Backstories
  • Must-watch horror movies
  • Upcoming movies and TV shows
  • Must see indie horror films
  • Terrible horror shows
  • Funny horror shows etc
  • The opportunity for content is never-ending. There are always new horror films and TV shows coming out

In EVERY email, I would have a call to action that either directly or indirectly adds to monthly revenue.

Amazon prime films, Netflix, Hulu, etc all have affiliate programs. You can find other less known affiliate programs too with a bit of digging.

You could also do brand deals with companies and have sponsored email ads as your list grows.

I would make this site the go-to place for horror film lovers. I would build a recognisable brand around a person rather than a faceless company.

You could launch a YouTube channel, Podcast, branded merch etc.

All adding additional revenue streams.

I would also put effort into growing the site with SEO optimised blog posts.

The opportunities are endless and could be a great project for the right person. With opportunities for many streams of income.

That is how I would go about growing this niche site. What you would do to increase revenue?

See you tomoz,


PS - If you're still not getting the results you want online click here to find out how I can help

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