Subject:Ā 3 world records you've never heard of

[1] - The longest kiss.

A Thai couple smashed their previous record by being lip locked for

58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds.

Can you imagine the amount of lukewarm saliva they passed back and forth in that time?

Imagine a bit of leftover noodle being swished between the two not knowing who's it was šŸ¤¢

[2] - The longest hair

A Chinese woman takes the top spot with a length of 18 feet 5.54 inches.

Wash day must be a nightmare.

[3] - The shortest marriage

This is my favourite.

A couple in Kuwait got divorced after just 3 minutes.

They hadnā€™t even left the courthouse where their wedding had taken place when the woman tripped over and fell.

Instead of helping her up, her new husband called her ā€˜stupidā€™. To which she marched straight back and demanded a divorce from the judge who had just married them.

I wonder if he lasted in bed longer than his marriage.

Anyway, if you want some more free time to spend breaking world records, my training below could be your gateway to just that.

If you have any questions just hit reply and I'll get back to you.

Stay rebellious,

