Subject: 1 panic attack made him rich

From panic attacks to millions.

His name's Justin Welsh. He worked for a few startups and took them from zero to something like $70 Million bucks.

He was a machine.

Worked so hard and got so stressed he had a panic attack that sent him to the hospital. He thought he was dying.

I didn't even know that was possible.

I thought if you had a panic attack you breathe into a paper bag (like in the movies). Sit down for a bit, calm down a little and you'll be good to go.

Shows my ignorance.

But it was at that moment that he knew something had to change.

He couldn't continue living his life that way.

Unfit, overworked, stressed, drinking too much, eating crap and managing loads of people.

He needed to switch it up. So he told the founders he was leaving.

It took him 8 months to officially walk out the door. But in that time, he got in shape, changed his habits and started to create content online.

He needed to figure something out because he knew he'd be out of a job soon.

In short. That one choice to start creating and publishing content online changed his life.

He's now much more chilled and makes around $1.5 Million a year from his digital solopreneur business.

Here's a little more about how he runs his business.

He's aiming to get to $5-Mill annual revenue with no staff. I should also mention he runs at about a 95% profit margin.

His business running cost is only about $600 a month.

He's smashing it. I'm definitely taking some things from him to incorporate into my business.

He took the processes he used to grow two 8 figure start-ups and applied them to his solopreneur business.

The business I like.

I'll be implementing some of his processes this week.

I'll let you know how it goes.

You can learn more about it by CLICKING HERE.

Any questions, just holla.

Stay rebellious,


PS - Don't wait until you have a panic attack. Get started on your dream life today.
