Succeeded after 79 times of failure

April 22nd, 2015 at 1:23 am +08

2 days ago, while I was browsing the
Strait Times Online, I stumbled upon
on an article that caught my attention.

It read:

"61-year-old man finally passes taxi
licence test after failing it for 79 times"



When I saw this.

One word came in my mind.


You can read the rest of the story
at the link above.

You see, many people thought that
making money on the internet is just
a push of a button and money will
fall from the sky.

But it's actually not.

Making money online is the same as
passing a taxi licence.

Firstly, you need to get trained the
right way.

Secondly, you need to practise the
methods that you have learned.

And thirdly, you need to take time
for it to materialize to money.

In business, every thing is not smooth.

If it's smooth, everyone will become
a millionaire.


What I learned from the 61-year-old
man is that he is persistent.

Failing 79 times continuously, don't
stop him from fulfilling his dream.

He continue to work hard and find the
right mentor to teach him the steps.

And he practise and practise till he
get the hang of it. And finally he

Hope you can get inspired by his
attitude towards life and applied
it into yours.

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Talk soon,
Edmund Toh

P.S. By the way, this Thursday, due
to overwhelming demand, I am organising
another FREE 3-Hour Global eCommerce
Franchise Business Seminar on how to
create a 2nd source of income during
your spare time WITHOUT affecting your
current job or current business.

As some of you can't make it last
week for my seminar, you might want
to come for this Thursday.

Next Thursday, My Mentor, James Yap,
will be overseas and there won't be
a seminar till further notice.

So make sure you reserve your seat
today to come for my seminar.

Get your friends or business partners
with you to explore this new concept

Reserve Your Seat Here >>
